Michelle Belinda Hodges (December 1, 1981 – September 25, 2023). My loving, creative, talented, beautiful, brilliant, and courageous older sister struggled painfully and courageously with mental health and addiction. She taught me about love, life, empowerment, dignity, respect, and psychology. Photo from her Instagram.
Destigmatize Mental Health and Addiction
When we define people who are struggling with mental health or addiction as “crazy” or categorize entire populations as “drug addicts,” we miss out on who they are, their beauty and potential. This act of othering also allows us to avoid acknowledging societal and cultural elements that are often at the base of these struggles. This blindness prevents us from coming up with alternative solutions, treatments, expectations. Rather than judging individuals based on their supposed inability to travel the expected lane, we could call into question societal barriers and definitions of ‘success,’ even if doing so challenges our own attachments to these conventions.
I propose we highlight and continue to recognize this world is harder for some more than it is for others—and utilize a mindset focused on building community, empathy, and skills-based therapy approaches to build empowerment, respect, and dignity for all.
Michelle Hodges, Instagram
Artwork by Michelle Hodges
Artwork by Michelle Hodges